My 10 Commandments for Flamenco Dance and Life
Enjoy dancing, first commandment
Trust yourself in the present moment, second commandment
Acknowledge your growth, third commandment
Acknowledge your limits without feeling vulnerable, fourth commandment
Keep concentrated when you study, fifth commandment
Show who you are with no judgement, sixth commandment
Break down complex structures to simplify them and to make them suitable for you, seventh commandment
Emphasize the essential ideas of your dancing, eighth commandment
Search for the information you need, ninth commandment
Create and re-create your dance with the energy of that precise moment, tenth commandment
Ten commandments giving me strength and guiding me, through my neurosis, towards the path of my most authentic essence.
I made this journey together with other beings, those who followed the online tutorial “La Técnica y el Ser en Unidad” in June 2017, making their own experience. With their appreciation and support, they made me realize that if I open my heart further, I can reach the place where all human beings get united. Because we are all the same: flying stardust, sometimes lost in space and life, searching for that Light which connects us all.
Flamenco artist, Corporal Therapist, Facilitator, and Writer